Author of six books, I live in Portland, OR, a green, green place. A desert balances on the rim of this region and the Pacific is about 2 hours away. I walk often to free my mind and limbs and work out.I grow giant dahlias and other flowers, although this puts me at war with the slugs of our region.I sometimes host dinner parties with other writers in attendance. I am a former chef and am especially happy when I'm chopping vegetables for a pot of soup or shopping at a local farmer's market. I attend lectures and films and plays and pay close attention to the sky and seasons--whatever it takes to replenish my creativity, stoke the senses. I listen to NPR,progressive radio, and old jazz tunes most of the day and follow politics, feverish for the truth of our times to be more revealed. And I teach writers and I fix the stories of people who are trying to become better writers. It adds up to a life that is sometimes brimming, sometimes quiet, sometimes filled with shared struggles and laughter.
But I spend a lot of time at this desk, looking out at the sky beyond my monitor, watching the rain and clouds, thinking in word pictures. You can also find me at